Aug 28, 2020
Thanks you to Vincent Rouqette-Cathala and Marcelin Nebenhaus for replacing the worn line on the Sagrado Line and the Cenote Mangrovia Line at Cenote Tajma Ha. Both lines were replaced with community approved #24 braided white line. Vincent writes:
“Marcelin and i went and changed Sagrado line today, as well as Mangrovia line all the way to the deep bone room in Tajma Ha. The last part of Cenote Mangrovia Line past the deep bone remains to be done as we ran out of line. We left a zip-tied orange REM to mark the end of high impact skills shortly before the deep bone room jump. The preexisting line markers were left in their exact original spots, and the very same tie offs have been used.”
Thank you both for your efforts and for contributing to cave safety. To request line for a replacement or to make a suggestion of a need repair, please use the “Submit Suggestion” link in the menu bar above.