
Be part of the initiative!

Help us raise funds to maintain a safe environment in the cenotes for everyone!

The ever-increasing number of visiting divers to our mesmerizing cenotes requires a number of cavern and cave lines to be replaced and constantly updated.

In addition, there is a need of hundreds of permanent system markers as they get worn out with time. 

Further, to be prepared in case of an incident/accident there is the need to install “emergency go-bags” in several locations, so when the CREER Rescue Team (formed of local guides and instructors) gets called it has all emergency response equipment ready. 

Moreover, we need your help in upkeeping our website to provide you with the latest updates as well as to maintain the several different registration systems which not only benefit the local community but also visiting cave divers.

There are also signsposts, presenting information of the cenotes and the fascinating hydrology, in the making which will be installed at the cenotes so divers can learn more about them.

Moderators  are volunteering their time to discuss and implement these projects but all this costs money…LOTS of money! 

Please help us raise funds and enjoy the results of your direct contribution during your next visit!