We are delighted to report that we have had our first meeting as moderators of the virtual line committee, and there have been some developments:
The Facebook group has been set up so we can discuss line issues, and you will get an invite shortly. This will be a secret group so we don’t have to expose the decision making process to students, guiding clients and others. Upcoming votes will also be announced by e-mail.
We have a website https://creer-mx.com. This will be the record of decisions made in our democratic votes and will also announce any line changes that have been made.
The first vote will be on what type of line we want to use in the caves and caverns. There is a bit of inconsistency at the moment, with some training caves having gold kernmantle line and some #24 white line. The thicker non flexible line in Car Wash, Maya Blue and Calavera caves has also caused some problems.
This is an important issue, and we need to be well-informed before making a decision. Kim has kindly prepared samples of all the lines that you will be asked to vote on, and these will be available to view in various dive shops. These will be announced when we send the e-mail and announce the discussion on Facebook
Finally, here is a reminder of how decisions and votes will take place:
1. Moderators decide on an issue that needs addressing.
2. E-mail sent to the wider community of cave instructors (Approximately 120 people, including Intro Cave), to inform them of the issue.
3. Discussion takes place in the official Facebook Page, with a time limit of 7 days, and kept on track by the moderators:
a. All discussions are to be confined to specific issues of cave lines and conservation, with no commercial or irrelevant posts.
b. No personal abuse or ad hominem attacks.
4. Moderators decide on the wording of the proposal to be voted on, informed by the Facebook discussion.
5. SurveyMonkey poll sent to the voting community of instructors (approximately 94 people). The criteria to vote is: Full Cave Instructor, Mexican citizen or legal resident, based in Quintana Roo for the majority of the year, active teaching status with a recognised agency.
6. Eligible instructors have 7 days to vote. Line changes require a 66% majority of those who vote.
7. Landowners informed and line changes implemented, keeping the wider community informed via the official Facebook group and the “Guias” group.
Thank you for your support.
Kim, Alejandro, Natalie, Mike, Luis, Vicente and Lanny
CREER Virtual Line Committee