evaluators of cenote dive guides
welcome to the
registration of evaluators of cenote dive guides
To register for the new “Cenote Dive Guide” credential, all active and new guides must be sponsored by a cave instructor who belongs to the directory of evaluating instructors of the Comité Regional de Espeleobuceo, Ecología y Regulación (CREER).
Evaluating instructors, in their supporting letter for cenote dive guides, endorse the requirements established by the committee and accredit that the guide is fully aware of the accepted cenote diving standards in the region, as well as the safety procedures, the general principles of rescue and emergency care, and the quality standards recognized by the local community of cave instructors.
All full cave instructors (or higher levels) can apply to be a “Cenote Dive Guide Evaluator,” provided they meet the following requirements:
- have an active teaching status within one of the recognized agencies;
- have had experience as a cavern and cave guide for at least 5 years;
- have had experience as a cave instructor (full cave or equivalent) for at least 5 years in the region in a legal manner (proper immigration status);
- reside a minimum of 8 months of the year in the state of Quintana Roo;
- have taught at least 5 cave courses (full cave or more advanced levels) in the last two years;
- be fully familiar with cavern lines and dive sites;
- have sidemount instructor level;
- master the techniques of backmount and sidemount configurations;
- be an active member of the regional speleodiving community;
- have an acceptable command of Spanish and a second language;
- have read the “Manual for Cenote Dive Guides“;
- agree with the established rules and fully accept them;
- agree to the criteria for evaluation of the guide’s abilities;
- teach and evaluate the candidate according to the procedures established in the manual
Before starting the registration process, it is recommended that instructors have the following documents available for uploading:
- copy of professional speleodiving certification (max. size 500KB or smaller);
- copy of sidemount instructor certification (max. size 500KB or smaller);
- copy of INE (or national passport). Foreigners: a) copy of the migartory document that allows them to work in the country in diving activities, as well as b) copy of their national passport;
- copy of updated proof of address that accredits them as a resident in the state of Quintana Roo (max. size 500KB or smaller);
- recent headshot photo (no older than 6 months) (max. size 500KB or smaller);